
Thanks for visiting our website!  If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us below.  If required, we will respond as soon as we can.


  1. Thank you for creating this website and your YT channel. Your work is very much needed and appreciated. I would like to make recommendation. I request that you begin to cite your sources; both on YouTube and this website. Therby enabling those of us who wish to dig deeper into your research to do so. Many of us are interested. Additionally, citing your sources will also help guide inquisitive minds, with a yearning for the truth, closer towards original source documents and scholarship while also enhancing our own scholarly efforts.
    Thanks in advance for your consideration. Keep up the good work. These stories deserve to be told in full, learned from, and never be forgotten.

  2. Friend, your words indicate that you are a tasteful Thumb Nail creator. I have visited your YouTube channel and Facebook page, which hold a prominent position in promoting African history and culture with respect to its Black ancestors. Your enlightened thoughts and messages of unity are influencing everyone.

    Your connection to your ancestors and the vibrant heritage of Africa sheds light, and you are celebrating their legacy. By joining you, others are becoming companions in this important mission and working towards a future based on understanding, respect, and shared heritage.

    Your social statement takes others beyond individuality and helps in promoting a new culture. Your social style reaffirms and strengthens social relationships, showing everyone the path to positive change through unity.

    Through your hard work, creativity, and education, you are condensing African history and heritage for yourself and others. You are linking it with an inclusive and global perspective.

    Your work will gain popularity because your social statement, African history, and culture are empowering. I want to assure you that your fellow companions will appreciate your identity and relationships and value your abilities.

    Through Thumb Nail Creations, you are presenting African history and culture with a new light and a universal understanding. The knowledge and ideas you share can play a significant role in making the world a better place. Through Thumb Nail, your logos, web design, and other graphical projects can take practical form, fulfilling your educational goals

  3. Greetings great Gods of the Black Journals channel. Very beautiful light-work you are doing.
    Contact me via provided email. I have a very legit and high frequency business opp. to introduce you to.

    Power and Prosperity,

  4. Hello, I love your content and my content is similar but I’m nowhere near as successful and confident yet.

    My niche is to teach history from the perspective of people of color but I’m still pretty green.

    Would absolutely appreciate the opportunity to connect with you for some advice, I am even willing to pay for your time.

    My email is and my tiktok handle is learnhistory9465, YouTube is America_unfiltered.

    Thanks so much

  5. just wondering where the videos are that tell the rest of the story you conveniently leave out. where is the story on the black slave owners of america? where is the story on the original slave owners, africans who savagely slaughtered women and children and do so to this day. to teach you must learn, and you are race hustling bits and pieces. where is the vlog about 95% of black men are killed by black men? or the vlog in the 95% illiteracy of black inner city kids? the biggest threat to blacks through out history have been blacks. what do you think slaves in africa today would think of all these vlogs who leave out facts and history? where is the vlog telling the story that black run cities are 3rd world, black run countries are 3rd world, and black run continents are 3rd world? baltimore , chicago, philly , detroit, memphis , milwaukee , cleveland , oakland, and the list just goes on an on. most violent and crime ridden are black cities , countries and continents.

  6. I’d like to make a donation to support your work. To shine a light and publicize the Politically Incorrect realities that chronicle the Africa and its people takes moral courage. It also takes money and I’d like to help. Let me know how I can send a check.


  7. Greetings: As an AMERICAN N36R03S Woman, I’m demanding that your channel CEASE & DESIST from interchanging AMERICAN N36R03S aka BLACK AMERICANS with AFRICANS. AMERICAN N36R03S are NOT AFRICANS an its DISRESPECTFUL to continue to attach Africans to our LINEAGE, CULTURE & HISTORY. We have proof that we are NOT of African descent. AMERICAN N36R03S were on our soil before 3% of Enslaved AFRICANS and EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS.

    AMERICAN N36R03S never agreed to be LABELED as AFRICANS.

    Thank You, in advance for REMOVING AFRICAN from all of your videos. The deception will not be tolerated nor accepted.

    December 28, 2023

    P.S., Marcus Garvey is not of our LINEAGE an shouldn’t be in any HISTORICAL FACTS of AMERICAN N36R03S History.

  8. I’m looking for Black content to feature on my show, Black Focus Radio. How can we collaborate? Your content is extraordinary and my mission is to educate Black people on the wealth of history that has been hidden from us. I hope we can work together to empower our people to succeed. Please let me know as soon as possible.

  9. The information you are putting out to us and about us please be more direct with sighting where the information is coming from. African American history or real American history has been Hidden for so long in untrue so, Whatever you find make it available for others to look up for themselves. I am a part of the generation that so much was hidden from, thank you for your time. Amazing work. God bless you.

  10. YouTube
    United States America President 48th

    The only way black people as a collective should truly feel safe in American society going forward into the future is black segregation society community in America and outside of American the a Island far far away from society where black people man and women can truly live in peace ok

    Thank You

  11. YouTube
    United States America President 48th

    Black people we no longer be number 2 in American society anymore that we be latino and hispanic’s in the year 2030 2042 so moving on into the future of society for black people only i say black segregation community

    * Black men community only

    * Black women community only

    * Black marriage community only

    The only time black men and black women should come together as one global negro unit to be on code with a very strong intelligence mindset to build-up a all black nation and community is marriage community only IF no marriage between black men and black women both should stay segregationed so other group of people don’t make MONEY off of black dysfunction ever again in America society that a fact got it .

    Going into the future of American society as black people it we come down to segregation in only for black people as a collective meaning only come together IF legally marriage to be on code with a very strong intelligence mindset to build-up a community NOT a neighborhood where other group of people come in & out taking all the MONEY from black people but calling you a nigga or monkey behind your back always the case with other group’s of people in America in black neighborhood’s only ok

    Black Community means =

    You are segatationed as a people but most importantly you can control everything around you and access to who is really coming in & out at all times of the day at the front gate plus you own everything with your very own resouces


    *Security *Stranture *safety *self-sufficient
    *Stand of living

    Black neighborhood means =

    White police officer’s mostly in America can go into your black neighborhood and fuck it up and never have to clean up the mess ever in there own lifetime because no order or real stranture to get respect plus in law Enforcement in American society the black neighborhood are called in secret code the jungle that a sad fact and plus you can leave very dangerous *food *drugs * liquid everywhere to hurt or kill black people because you dont have your very own 24 7 protection in place because you believe in a bright white man in a law Enforcement uniform or any type of uniform to safe you instand of doing for self to truly live on ok

    Yes I m a secret [ ]on YouTube as President of united States President 48th with knowladge and intelligence about knowladge and powerful intelligence into the future no hatred for anybody just telling it like it is that all.

    No to Joe Biden for a second term in the Oval Office of the white House because he will only do 1 year then Kamala Harris we do the other 3 years for him that a true sad fact ok

    Advice for black people only

    Segregation is the key to live on but sadly black men have to have there very own black Community and black women have to have there very own community only come together as one unit in a all black marriage community for black men and black women to be on code and a very strong mindset to build ok


    So no loyalty to the Republicans no loyalty to the Democriats just get business done and leave the room with resouces and aid for black people only not people of color or black and brown people or other groups or people ok

    Thank You

  12. Hello Kings on Parade,
    I hope this email finds you all well. I publish the African American Historical News Journal. A compilation of the actual newspaper articles from1778 up through The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement. We donate 50% of our gross revenue to organizations and groups that support Education, Job Creation and Health & Well- Being in the Black Community. I would like to speak with you about raising funds to support your work.
    Our motto is: ‘Magnifying the African American Impact on U.S. History. Many people believe, erroneously, that our country was founded solely on the backs of Black Americans. What we need to tell them is that this country was largely founded on THE BRAINS of Black Americans. Please have someone reach out to me so we can discuss this further. Thank you. Take care.

    Chip Dolfi
    Chief Executive Officer & Publisher
    Historical News Journals, Inc
    My Direct Dial Number: 843-816-4560

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